Junior Falcons

Falcon Mum Barbara Dickinson Soaring

Waverley would like to acknowledge the efforts of one of our treasured Falcon Mothers.  Barbara Dickinson this week has a moment to express her love of baking, but says running her own business is not always a piece of cake.  Barbara has an U/16 daughter, Taylor, and U/14 son, Carter, in our junior Falcons program.  She has previously assisted Waverley with special occasion cakes, and we look forward to more of her magic in the future. 

If any Falcon members are interested for further information, please contact Barbara directly on: 0422 50 40 50 


The article is written here if the image is not legible:
A moment with Barbara Dickinson
Cupcake creator, wedding cake designer and single mum Barbara Dickinson loves baking, but says running her own business is not always a piece of cake.
WHAT DO YOU DO?  Design, bake and create cupcakes for a weekly stall at the Sunday Arts Centre craft market and design, bake and create wedding and special occasion cakes.
Saturday: Up by 5am to bake if I have a cupcake event on the day.  Sport, sport and more sport with the kids, often broken up by a wedding cake or cupcake delivery. Early to bed – which speaks of a limited social life, but George Clooney is really busy at the moment.
Sunday: 3am wake-up to bake for three hours before I load up my car with cupcakes and children, delivering the kids to sport and the cakes to the Arts Centre market. I stay at the market until the cupcakes are sold out or 5pm, whichever comes first! Then I head home for a very quiet and lazy night.
SO YOUR JOB ISN’T ALWAYS A CAKEWALK? No! I once created a four-tiered wedding cake for a friend, only to find my son, two hours before the reception, sitting on the top of the dining room table systematically eating his way through the sugar leaves. In record time I created and coloured another 50 leaves, speed-drying the last 10 by holding them out the car window as I drove the cakes and decorations to Butleigh Wooten in Kew. With my darling young son on a sugar high climbing and descending the spiral staircase at the venue, I managed to assemble and decorate the cake and found my son, moments before the bride arrived, sound asleep in the bed in the bridal suite. It was all in a day’s work!
WHAT CONCERNS YOU THE MOST ABOUT THE WORLD? Poverty around the world and escalating childhood mortality rates; the global food crisis; terrorism; global warming; and the accessibility of illicit drugs.
WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST HOPE FOR THE FUTURE? That my two children enjoy happy and fulfilling lives filled with the love of family and the laughter of good friends.
WORDS OF WISDOM? Love many, trust few and always paddle your own canoe!
-Marion Joseph