Junior Falcons

16.3 Boys


First game in from a big break, and the team seemed a little rusty but they managed an 11 point win over Bulleen.
The first game on Saturday morning gave the boys a chance to hone in on their team plays with a 9 point win over Hawthorn 3. 
The following match against Oakleigh 1 proved to be the toughest and most aggressive game so far, but the Falcon boys proved to be just that little bit tougher with another 9 point win.
Saturday night’s game and the heat and sheer exhaustion of the earlier games started to kick in. However the boys didn’t let this get in their way with a 20 point win over Wallan.
Sunday morning, and the game was against Whittlesea Pacers.  The Pacers were the only other undefeated team in the boys division. Either way, the results of this match would confirm 1st and 2nd position in the semi finals.  The boys were refreshed for their new day!  The game proved to be the smartest game of the tournament, with the boys matching wits and skills.  Well done to the boys for their 8 point win.
We were through to the semis in top place.  We were up against the wildcard 4th placed team, Oakleigh-1.  Full credit needs to be given to Mitch Pollard, with his amazingly accurate shooting throughout the entire match and also gave us a one point win in the very final seconds of the game.
The boys were alive for the Grand Final, facing up against the 2nd top team, Whittlesea Pacers.  The game was an absolute nail biter, with the swings and roundabouts evident on the fast moving score board.  The Falcons thought the game was theirs when they were up by 2 points in the last seconds of game, until the Pacers scored to level the scores on the siren.  It was an official draw, and the game then went into 3 minutes of overtime.
After a long three minutes, the Falcon boys took the lead by 2 points before the final siren sounded and claimed the Premiers title.
Congratulations to the Pacers for an admirably played game. Great sportsmanship was shown by both teams.