Junior Falcons

Coaching Appointments Finalised

I am very please to announce the following structure that will apply to the Waverley Falcons Senior Men and Junior Boys and Girls Program that will take affect after our Xmas break.

Eric Minerve will take charge of the program in 18's, 20's and Championship Men.
Simon Giovannoni will take charge of the program in 12's, 14's, 16's and Youth League Men.
Elias Palioyiannis will continue as head coach of the Girls Program reporting to Simon Giovannoni.
I am very pleased with these appointments as Simon and Eric together will certainly put a program in place that will see Waverley continue to be a good program and certainly improve our club status in the representative arm of the Waverley Basketball Association. Elias has been excelling in his role as Head Coach of the Girls Program.  All coaches are excellent and continue the trend that I have been looking for. Shane Palmer managing the association competitions, Andrew Cavell in charge of referees and now Simon, Eric and Elias in our rep area. The future looks good as all are fine young men with a good future ahead of them.
Mike Bullock

 »  Junior Coaches