Junior Falcons

VJBL Games Postponed this Friday 30th

Following the week of extreme temperature and the 40+ degree forecast for tomorrow the League has made the decision to reschedule all VJBL games on Friday evening (30th Jan).

We have considered at length the risk such conditions pose for our participants (along with spectators) we feel it would be negligent for us to proceed given the ‘once in a century’ conditions Melbourne has experienced throughout the week.
The VJBL Calender will be adjusted accordingly with the following adjustments being made:
  • Round 2 and 3 of Grading Phase 2 will be played as scheduled
  • Round 1 of GP2 will be played on Friday 20th Feb (except U20’s which will be played on the 27th Feb)
  • A ‘make up’ round will be scheduled on the 17th April which falls on the last Friday of the school holidays. Should any teams have issues with fielding sufficient players we ask associations to apply in writing requiring a game change and we will consider where appropriate.
  • There will be a number of U18 games that will also be moved to cater for those affected by players with U18 State commitments – you will be notified of these changes once the Championship fixture is completed.
Please find attached an adjusted calendar which will also be posted online this morning, please ensure all teams and venues are notified of the changes to the schedule.


2009 CALENDAR3.pdf  [76 KB]