Junior Falcons

Updated timeline - Upcoming Falcons Dates

All players and parents involved in Junior Falcons should be aware of the following important dates:

Timeline updated October 23

Falcon shorts are not required for practice games
Falcon playing tops will be provided by your coach or manager
Club Practice Games
Friday October 27th vs Sandringham
– Boys play matches at Sandringham, Girls play matches at Waverley

Friday November 3rd vs Keilor
– Boys and Girls all playing at Keilor

Regular Training Resumes
This Sunday October 29th teams will resume regular training at Waverley Stadium.
Falcons Uniform Shop Day Sunday 29th October 9.00am – 1.00pm
All items available for purchase in the Club Room at Waverley Stadium
Cash or cheque only (no online or card facilities available)
If you are unable to make it on this date, items can be purchased during business hours with the WBA Office
Individual member registration forms will be prepared for collection by team manager or coach and passed on to each family
Falcon Registration Day Sunday 12th November 9.00am – 1.00pm
Please return your updated and signed registration form with payment.
Cash or cheque only (no online or card facilities available)